Meet Our Dogs

One thing that sets us apart from 90% of the German Shepherd Breeders in the USA is that we have built a multi generation breeding program with cohesive motherlines that span Susanne’s entire history in the German Shepherd Dog breed.   We never wanted to have a “brokerage” type program comprised entirely of dogs we bought from brokers or breeders in Europe or anywhere else, bred a few times, sold and then bought new dogs.    Instead it was Susanne’s love of her first German Shepherd, Quinta von Westfork SchH1 Bh AD HIC CGC KKl2 OFA and her second German Shepherd, SG Iveigh von Spezialblut SchH1 Bh AD HIC CGC KKl1 OFA, that created the drive to start a breeding program to preserve the traits she most loved in her own dogs, raised from puppyhood, handler owner titled, and the dogs that raised her daughter.   We wanted to have consistent traits and qualities passed from generation to generation of our own efforts, knowledge, and talent. 

From those two females, with the addition of a few other foundational motherlines over the last 30 plus years we built the program we dreamed of. First we added the lovely Hardy v Arminius daughter, V Gibsy v Wiesenborn SchH2 Kkl1”a”, followed later by the Fero daughter Eyleen von der Kafeitwiette Bh SchH1 ”a”, then a granddaughter and grandson of Quinta joined us, Bette and Brego v Arnoux OFA, and most recently  a daughter of the super star working dog and producer, Dinea v Eisernen Kreuz SchH3, our lovely Lasha v Eisernen Kreuz OFA,in 2020.    

This small group of amazing females are the building blocks of a breeding program that now spans 7 generations, over three decades, and hundreds of wonderful dogs making their families very happy.  

While our program started as a competition based program, because we were heavily involved in sport and show for over 25 years,  and the list of titles, championships, and accomplishments of our dogs and their dedicated owners is now very long, in 2010 we retired from our heavy competition, club and event running, and office holding schedule and decided to focus entirely on preserving the German Shepherd Dog.  Ensuring the health, temperament, structural and behavioral traits of the type of German Shepherd we loved and enjoyed owning were not lost as the breed in Europe became more physically and behaviorally extreme and healthy moderate dogs harder to find.    

This new chapter in our breeding program has led to many new discoveries about ourselves, our dogs, and the status of the breed worldwide.   Given where the breed is now in 2025, and how quality has nosedived right along with popularity, I know we made the correct decision to abandon sport and show focused selection criteria and to focus on the core traits outlined in the FCI breed standard, which closely align with our foundation dogs and values. Our current focus is to produce companion dogs with the traits needed in the modern world and designed to suit the needs and preferences of our clients, has proven to be a worthwhile one.    

Quinta v Westfork Bh HIC CGC AD SchH1 (96 V-High Tracking/High In Trial) KKL2 OFA (L) and SG1 Indeigh v Spezialblut Bh AD HIC CGC SchH1 KKl1 OFA (R)

Visit the Puppy Page for available puppies

Don’t miss our suite of puppy pages! Looking for a puppy, the current litters page is the place to check, if nothing is available be sure to visit the Planned Breedings page, & don’t overlook the Puppy Raising page
