Planned Breedings 2025

2024 was a rough year for responsible breeders of all breeds as demand for a companion dog is at an all time low. While nobody seems to know exactly why, people owning fewer dogs, choosing not to get a new dog after an older dog passes on, or if owners are waiting for more stability in the country, one thing is certain, good puppy homes are hard to find.

As a response to this we are changing our system a bit, we will now be filling a wait list BEFORE we will breed a litter. This will ensure we have interviewed and approved enough homes for the expected size of the litter. Until the list is filled we will not breed any female, even if she is on our planned breeding list.

So if you are considering adding a puppy in 2025 we will start taking applications for puppies in January with late spring to summer 2025 send home dates.

Please note!  A planned breeding is a breeding we hope to make but there is no guarantee a litter of puppies will result. Plans can change, a dog may not be available for breeding, the female may not come into heat on schedule, or she may fail to conceive despite our best efforts, due to these factors this list may change

Important: Because these are planned breedings it’s possible we may substitute one male for a different male based on conditions ”on the ground” at the time such as breeding schedules, current fertility tests, stud dog availability, even weather conditions and shipping concerns can affect the choice of male. We will update as we know.

Possible Substitutions under consideration right now include: None at this time

Please see each dogs individual page for health testing, pedigree, and more information.