
Everyone loves our puppy cam!

The puppy cam allows you to watch the puppies 24/7 from approximately 1 weeks of age, until they leave for their new homes at 9 weeks.

This is an important part of breeder transparency, and it provides a real time “slice of life” and insight into what responsible puppy raising looks like.

If you watch enough, you are bound to see our family, and the nanny dogs, coming and going with the puppies.   There will be some poop, play, and us in sweats.   Enjoy.

Please note that all training, puppy parties, and outings will be “off camera” and done as either FB Live Video or static video and posted to the Austerlitz German Shepherds FB page.

Occasionally we turn the camera off, when the room is dark at night you may not see anything, and there are lots of times when the puppies are not on camera because they are either outside on the puppy patio or loose in the house with us.

The puppycam is up!